SSL Certificates

SSL Certificates
SSL Certificates protect your customers’ sensitive information by encrypting the data they send to you, then decrypting it once you’ve received it. An SSL certificate serves as a digital "passport" that allows data to be transmitted over secure networks - protecting financial and credit card transactions, sign-ups, sensitive information, email, and company intranets. It authenticates and encrypts the data transferred through the website to the server.
Most consumers are looking for the https:// prefix in their browser bar before submitting personal information like their name, credit card numbers, and address to a website. An SSL Certificate is the only way to get this. You will notice the green lock/text (Secure Connection) in your browser bar vs the red text (Connection is Not Secure).

SSL Certificate Issues
What does it mean to have an SSL certificate? Give us a call and we will explain what it is, if you need it, and why it may or not make sense. If you have any questions about SSL Certificates, please contact 3plains, we are always here to help.
If you see issues like "Parts of this page are not secure (such as images)", don't worry about it. We can solve these issues. Please contact us and we will walk you through it.