Responsive Web Design
When built correctly, a website is one of the most important and influential marketing tools your business can have. A website allows your message to be online around the clock and working for you. If you are going to invest in marketing, a website should be your #1 priority. We think a website should be well-designed, professional, and easy to navigate. It should be easy to find online, especially for someone searching for your exact product.

Web Design for Multiple Devices
Mobile phones are now counting for over 60% of your website traffic, so it's important to get a design that works for mobile phones or even retrofit your current website. You may have heard buzz words like your current website is not "mobile friendly" or "responsive". What is responsive web design?
"Responsive web design is an approach to web design aimed at crafting sites to provide an optimal viewing experience—easy reading and navigation with a minimum of resizing, panning, and scrolling—across a wide range of devices (from desktop computer monitors to mobile phones)".
This type of design can be called a variety of things including Mobile Friendly Web Design, Responsive Web Design, Adaptive Web Design, Mobile Website Design, and Elastic/Fluid/Flexible Web Design.

Why Mobile Web Design A Must
Just because your current website isn't responsive doesn't mean that you are lacking business. You MIGHT be losing business because you are not MAXIMIZING the user experience. That's really what it comes down to.
For example, if you pull up your website on your iPhone, do you have to turn the website horizontal, or pinch your iPhone close up to read the text or click on the small links? If yes, then your website is probably not responsive.
Google is even indirectly saying that mobile-friendly is important. Just take a look when you search for something on an iPhone. There is a tag right under the website .com name that says "Mobile-friendly". Google also lists it in their Google Webmasters Tools speed tests and mobile usability tools which is another indirect way of saying that SEO MAY just be impacted by mobile design.

Web Design Packages
Many people calling us these days are asking what a website costs. We treat each client individually and uniquely as each company is individual and unique. There are many packages and options for websites. In order to give you an accurate quote, we need a little information from you to determine what your ultimate online goals are so we can build your new web design effectively.
After we talk about the initial web design, the next conversation usually turns to a discussion about Google Search. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) labor needs to go into the web design or web build as well. A well-designed and laid-out website is important but you will need to have your website content aligned correctly.
We have many options available, but this will give you a great starting point to decide what you want out of your website. Regardless of the package chosen, we will tailor each web design to optimize your web presence to what is the most important to your business and help you expand to the future.