Pheasant Hunting Guide / Outfitter Rackcard Design

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Chris Hitzeman of UGUIDE South Dakota Pheasant Hunting was needing a Rackcard for the South Dakota Department of Tourism. We designed a nice 2 sided rackcard that displayed the information very clear, popped off the card and added the South Dakota map and locations for visual representation. No dated information on the rackcard was used; prices, dates or specifics so the he could use it for the next several years. 5000 cards shipped out to another 3plains satisfied customer.
Client: UGUIDE South Dakota Pheasant Hunting
Category: Hunting
Location: All Over South Dakota
Description: UGUIDE offers the finest non-released pheasant hunting packages in the state with multiple private destinations in the top South Dakota pheasant counties.
Other Services: Web Design, Search Marketing, Business Cards, Rackcards, Custom Programming