Custom Quail Hunting Logo Design

© Copyright Notice - Graphic design copyright by the designer and/or company owners.
Client wanted a logo for Q2 Ranch in Texas to represent 3 facets of his business. The dove represented the dove hunting on his 50 acres of grown top millet and wild sunflower seeds. The 2 different types of quail he raised and the quail hunting he offered. Raising flight conditioned quail was a highlight, so he wanted to represent the 40,000 Bobwhites and 5,000 Blue quail each year that were sold to various ranches in Texas. The yellow font in Q2 Ranch was pulled from the Blue quail and script was drawn and we chosen a font close to what the client wanted.
Company: Q2 Ranch LLC
Location: South Texas
Type: Logo Design
Description: Offers private parties up to 50 hunters, corporate events, and custom package hunts. Q2 Ranch has since been sold in 2012.