Pheasant Ranch & Gun Club Logo

© Copyright Notice - Graphic design copyright by the designer and/or company owners.
The Zangara's were looking for a website and logo design to represent the various activities for their business. The business started as a hobby and and quickly became a business. They have a kennel for breeding, raising and training bird dogs, primarily the American Brittany; along with a licensed game bird farm for raising quality pheasant and game birds for private ranchers and state bird enhancement programs, and are in the beginning stages of starting a shooting preserve for pheasant and game birds. The logo and business name needed to be more all encompassing since they do a large variety of business activities.
Company: Shelterbelt Shooting Preserve
Location Baker, Montana
Category: Hunting, Hunting Club
Services: Logo Design, Website Design
Description: Southeast Montana's ultimate pheasant and upland bird hunting preserve situated on 760 acres of ideal bird habitat with a mixed terrain of rolling fields, high grasses, rows of trees and shrubs.