Outdoor Media Company Logo Design

© Copyright Notice - Graphic design copyright by the designer and/or company owners.
Outdoor Overdose, a start-up outdoor media and filming company was looking for a logo. After contacting 3plains and showing them a few of the concepts that they were tossing around, we took those ideas, expanded upon them, and made a logo that we think will help them brand their business. A simple double O design, with some mountains in the background gives this logo a rustic but edgy feel. We look forward to seeing this logo on apparel, print and websites someday. Good luck gentlemen, enjoy the logo!
Company: Outdoor Overdose
Client: Dakota Rasbury
Type: Logo Design
Description: Consists of a small group of friends from small town North GA who are pursuing their dreams in the Hunting/Filming industry! They enjoy the preparation, dedication, and challenge of the hunt and working to produce the best possible footage that they can for the people to enjoy.