Freshwater Fishing Logo Design

© Copyright Notice - Graphic design copyright by the designer and/or company owners.
Chris stated his business will deal specifically with fishing within the state of Texas. He stated he's viewed many other logos to obtain ideas for his logo, but wanted to make sure that the logo is distinctive, attention grabbing and represents the foundation of his business. I want to be able to use it for clothing, product labels, etc. He was a little unsure what would happen if we were unable to hit the mark on his logo and if he received a refund. We assured him since we have been in business, we have only canceled 2 projects since we have been in business. We took his idea, ran with it and hit the mark within a few revisions. This logo features the soft blue from the sky, the bold blues from the water, the reflection of the trees in the water, the artificial bait, and subtle blue around the text of Southern Freshwater and trees in the background to keep the colors to a minimum. The bass boat in the water with the fisherman casting a line with the bass popping out of the water for the bait.
Company: Southern Freshwater
Location: Texas
Category: Fishing
Services: Logo Design
Description: A freshwater fishing related business based in Texas.