Custom Design - Trophy Bucks of Iowa

© Copyright Notice - Graphic design copyright by the designer and/or company owners.
Trophy bucks of Iowa IA is a online community for individuals to share their personal Iowa whitetail trophies with others, so the client needed a custom buck, Iowa outline and the name Trophy Bucks of Iowa in the logo name. The logo turned out what he was looking for and now it's simple process for getting vinyl decals made for vehicles made and maybe eventually some clothing with the logo.
Company: Trophy Bucks of Iowa
Location: Iowa
Category: Hunting
Services: Logo Design
Description: Founded in 2015, Trophy Bucks of Iowa is the "go-to" site for pictures of Iowa's greatest whitetails. Post pictures/stories of your personal whitetail trophies and shed antlers from the great state of Iowa! Remember that a trophy is in the eye of the beholder and must not be in the record books to be one's own trophy.