3plains SEO Consulting & Search Engine Marketing
The bottom line when it comes to digital marketing is that unless people see your website, it doesn't do that much good for your business. Here at 3plains, we want your website to show up at the top of the list for what your customers are searching for with the SEO process.
The Problem with Organic SEO
- SEO is a long-term process. Results are not instant and updates can take months or even close to a year. It's truly a long and grinding process that can be misunderstood.
- Transparency. Many companies are out there hiding what they really do. This process is not a mystery and it amazes us how many companies are out there taking advantage of their customers on SEO by not providing regular detailed site performance reports or explaining how to interpret the data.
- Rankings are almost impossible to report because of personalization in the SERPS.
- Customers are worried about ranking #1 for a particular phrase when they should be more concerned about business goals or asking how they can best fill their booking calendar.
- SEO is a bad term. SEO should almost be called Content Discovery or something like it.
- SEO is a term that unethical companies can use, price the service lower, then do the minimum effort.
- If you find SEO for $99/month, more than likely you are not getting SEO.
- SEO is not cheap.
- Nothing is black and white in SEO. SEO is a matter of opinion and not a matter of fact.
- If you need SEO results today - unfortunately, you are out of luck. SEO is a long-term process. If you need results today, go the PPC route.
- SEO is manual. There is no automation. It's labor, man-hours, and hard work.
The Solution to Organic SEO
1. Education
2. Hard Work
3. Team Effort
SEO is a marathon and not a sprint. The key is to work with knowledgeable marketing companies to look at your overall company business goals.
The fact is that at 3plains, we aren't concerned about being #1 for a particular keyword or just "doing SEO". As a hunting lodge, guide, or outfitter you have inventory and it's our job to use the marketing and SEO process to show off what you have available.
Help your business get ahead and call us, we can do a business audit, then we can decide what we would like to do with an SEO campaign. Maybe we find that in the short term that PPC is best for your company. Every company is different, that's why we take our time to learn each of our customer's business goals so we can recommend a customized strategy.

Organic SEO Case Study 1
Here's an example of a customer who we got on the front page for a particular term. However, over time he realized that being #1 for one term is not a long-term strategy. He quickly realized there is more to the Organic SEO process.
Client: UGUIDE South Dakota Pheasant Hunting
Website: www.uguidesdpheasants.com
Term: South Dakota Pheasant Hunting
Term Competition: Heavy
Result: 1st page
UGUIDE South Dakota Pheasant Hunting specializes in private-exclusive, self-guided-unguided, wild bird "fair chase" South Dakota pheasant hunting vacations. Our client wanted to not only get on the first page for South Dakota Pheasant Hunting but to drive hundreds of unique visitors to the website daily and ultimately to book hunters. UGUIDE has been a great SEO customer to work with.

Organic SEO Case Study 2
Here's an example of a customer who we got on the front page for a particular term. However, over time he realized that being #1 for one term is not a long-term strategy. He quickly realized there is more to the Organic SEO process.
Client: Buffalo Butte Ranch
Website: www.buffalobutte.com
Term: South Dakota Pheasant Hunting
Term Competition: Heavy
Result: 1st page
Buffalo Butte Ranch is one of the best South Dakota hunting lodges and is located in the heart of this area known as the "Golden Triangle".
Choosing an SEO company
Every web company on the internet says they do SEO these days. How do you compare them?
Results, transparency, knowledge & interview them.
At 3plains we have been working in the outdoor industry on hunting SEO or fishing SEO since 2006. The competition is thicker than ever on the internet, and you need to ensure that your business has partnered with a web design agency whose own success relies heavily upon its ability to improve search rankings.
Give us a call and let's talk about a custom SEO and marketing strategy.