Website content options for my website

It is the clients job to provide their website content and 99% of web design companies work the same way. We can definitely write content for our clients but at an additional cost. As per every proposal we send out, it is the clients responsibility for content and photography - unless there is a line item that has website content listed. Any additional content or writing will be billable time. So the answer is yes we can but it's at an additional cost which typically runs anywhere from $500-$1500. It can run upwards of $1500 to write good content on your website for time and research.

We recommend to our clients to write their own content for a variety of reasons:

  • We know your product and what you do, but we can't specifically talk about what makes your product different than the guy down the road to differentiate yourself and make you a individual.
  • Google want's original content based on your product, service and business individualism.

We like to give the example of flying in to your hunting outfit, having you drive 2 hours to come and get us and when we get to the hunting lodge we need a gun, shells, clothing, hat, gloves, etc. So, in other words, we need you to bring your own content (text and photos).

How do I come up with content for my website?

Starting a website is difficult or even to come up with content for it. At 3plains we struggle to help customers that don't have any content and want their website to rank well. Remember search engines read text, so if your text is weak on your website, typically you won't rank well, unless of course you have a big name and thousands and thousands of people are linking to you.

If you have paid 3plains extra to write your content, follow #1. If you are writing your content, follow #2.

1. If we are creating your content:

Easiest way to get us your content is...

  • Text: All of the text for your site on a Word Document organized by pages. Example pages include: Homepage, About Us, History , Contact Us, Main Product Page, Individual Product Pages, etc.
  • Photos: Please do not include photos in a Word Document. Please reference file names with pages (ex. Homepage IMG_3039.JPG, IMG_3044.JPG).
  • Mail or email photos/documents.
  • Mail DVD. DVD’s are big. You will need to mail us this.

2. If you are creating your content:

Where do I begin? Think of your website as a hierarchy and structure it as such (view the Standard Hierarchy Site Structure to the right).

How do we come up with a website with more than just: Homepage, About Us, Products/Services, and Contact Us pages? Brainstorm on ideas such as ways to sell your product or service. A few ideas:

  • Segment out your products and services. If you have a service based business, write a detailed page on each service. Provide photos, graphs, numbers, etc since people are visual - text get's boring.
  • Write a page about your product over your competition about why they should buy your product vs. this "other product".
  • What about a "How-To" page? Categorize the how to page into sections and have several related documents.
  • How about a articles page? Categorize the articles into categories and write individual articles.
  • Support section with a lot of industry articles so when people do searches, they will find the support page you wrote and you may draw business from it.
  • Be creative. Content writing is a creative thing and can be very profitable.
  • What makes your product the best or what are it's advantages. Promote it and write a article.
  • FAQ
  • Testimonials
  • Glossary
  • Technical Docs
  • Downloads
  • Free Stuff
  • Industry Links
  • Videos - Text NEEDS to go with videos.
  • Start a blog, industry news or something else.
  • Use social networking as a tool.

Note: The only thing I will say bad about blogging, news, Twitter or any other news media on your website is... if you don't update it on a regimented schedule, don't do it! There is nothing worse on the internet than a blog that is 6 months old. It's like your going out of business and it's embarrassing to your professional image. If you don't have time, don't do it. I just read a blog the other day that said "Summer 2009 update as the head article and it's getting close to February 2013. Not a good idea.

Voice To Text

Content is tough to write or if you would rather, you can take Voice Memo on your iPhone if you have one and then put that file on the USB stick and we can translate that to content. The Voice Memo is tricky, but you can just talk about whatever you want about a hunt, article, blog, etc., then if you lose your train of thought, hit stop, then hit start again until you get it right. Then when you are done, you click "Done" and the file will save as a new recording. Then you can click on it and send to email or save it to a USB stick. I have an android and there is a program to do that. On my iPhone it's called "voice recorder".  That app came with the phone look for that. Otherwise there are plenty of voice memo apps you can download on the Google Play Store.

Search Engines Consideration

Search Engines considerations are a must with website these days.

  • How do you tailor your content towards the search engines? View this document to explain how to think about search engine keywords and importance.
  • 1-3 keyword and phrases per page. NO MORE THAN THAT or you won't rank well. To win a war, you win 1 battle at a time. Search engines are no different.
  • Writing a spammy article that is geared just for search engines will not work. Nothing worse than content no one will read.
  • The search engines are smart, don't try and trick them.
  • The more great pages you create on your website, the bigger the lead funnel.


Starting a website and writing good content is not easy. The goal is to write good content and promote your website well. Finding a top notch Search Engine Marketing company like 3plains is a must in the marketplace. Search Engine companies that are good won't come cheap, but your sales will flourish if you do it correctly.

Still need help or don't want to DIY?

We have maintenance service and website update packages available. Please fill out a ticket and a 3plains representative will reach out to you with details on pricing and packages.

Last Updated: 2024-03-16

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