Multilingual website

Depending on the platform you are running, 3plains has 2 options for you to run a multilingual website. Please view a few examples to see what is possible.

English/German Examples

3plains has two customers located in B.C., Canada that have outfitting websites with a German and English speaking clients. With the 3plains CMS, we have our system dialed in upon setup, for dual or multilingual sites with a simple toggle in the upper corner of our clients websites. - Launched in 2019, German/English example.

Multilingual Tips & SEO

There are pros and cons to all multilingual websites. We have our 3plains CMS dialed in a certain way for our clients and can customize as needed for a extra fee.

Additional Reading

Still need help or don't want to DIY?

We have maintenance service and website update packages available. Please fill out a ticket and a 3plains representative will reach out to you with details on pricing and packages.

Last Updated: 2024-03-16

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