Fishing SEO Services
Here at 3plains, not only do we offer the means of creating a beautiful website for your business, we also offer services that help potential customers find your website. The most beautiful website in the world will still go unseen without a good search engine optimization strategy. Every day search engines and online marketing outperform traditional advertising in terms of Return on Investment (ROI). Perhaps you, like most people, are fairly new to Search Engine Optimization (SEO)—and aren’t sure what to do about it. I find having educated customers and clients is far more beneficial than confused and misled clients, so let us help bridge the knowledge gap.

How People Search
Conceptually, think of a search like a giant online phone book. Let’s say you are in the Dallas area and are looking for restaurants to eat at. Ten years ago, most people would have whipped out a Dallas phone book and started looking in the restaurant section. These days, people spend 1/10th of the time using search engines—simply by typing “Dallas Restaurants” into the Google search engine. Google almost always pulls relevant results for just about any search term. Everybody who is online is in Google's phone book and everybody who does SEO is on the front page of it!

SEO Results & Why 1st Page Matters
People always look at the top results on Google. Here is an eye-tracking heat chart of where users spend the most time looking.
Searchers who type “Dallas Restaurants” are bombarded with hundreds of results, just like a phone book. The results in Google are ordered from 1-10 on the first page and 11-20 on the second page and so on. The key difference between a phone book and Google is that Google lists search results in order of relevance a.k.a. your rank (more about this later). The restaurant that ranks #1 for the search query “Dallas Restaurants” is getting hundreds of visitors a day while the restaurant that ranks #95 is getting very few (for that search query). It should be no surprise that the entity ranking #1 for “Dallas Restaurants” is making a killing off of search traffic. Ranking well for that term has brought thousands of visits from people looking to eat in the area. People click the #1-#5 results with regularity and ranking high for those terms essentially becomes free advertising to highly interested consumers.
What makes Google so great for advertising is that it displays relevant websites to users who have already typed in a key phrase (in this instance, "Dallas Restaurants"). Radio stations, billboards, newspaper ads, and other traditional advertising methods preach to everyone—very few of which are interested in Dallas restaurants. Thus, the ROI (Return on Interest) for search engine marketing is much higher because it only is highlighted when someone has typed in a relevant key phrase, making your chance for conversion leaps and bounds above traditional advertising.
Naturally, everybody wants their website to rank high in Google searches because that means more business, therefore more money. The next logical question becomes "how do I rank high for my particular business ‘keywords’?". This is the million-dollar question and what introduces the idea of SEO. SEO is all about creating, editing, tweaking, and analyzing websites with corresponding search queries in order to drive relevant traffic to a business page. After all, whoever is searching for “Dallas Restaurants” is looking to spend money—so businesses fight to be the top rank for these terms.
Search engines like Google determine their ‘relevance’ and rank by a very complex algorithm that studies each and every page on the internet to decide what page is probably the most useful to the user. Though Google keeps this ranking algorithm a secret, SEOs have their own data testing and have a good idea as to what this algorithm looks like. When you hire an SEO expert, you trust their knowledge to make the most beneficial decisions to the website with regard to Google’s algorithm and rankings, hopefully increasing your ranks. SEOs do everything in their power to find both new and known ways to increase website rankings for particular keywords.
Age and time are a big part of Google’s algorithm. Google always trusts older sites more, so good rankings take time. You will not find one SEO out there that can get serious ranks in one day. Most likely it will be three to four months before we even start seeing good results, maybe up to a year on highly competitive terms. However, this long wait is worth it as SEO is a long-term investment. Think about being #1 for a term and maintaining that status for years to come. The benefits far outweigh the upfront costs.

Okay, So What About Fishing SEO?
Let’s talk about what we provide specific to fishing guides and fishing charters. Here at 3plains, we specialize in providing anything the outdoor business needs in order to have an online presence. People shop online now, so you better impress. Our job is to handle the website building, design, and technicalities while you concentrate on what you do best.
Hunting and Fishing Search Engine Optimization is one of the most important and highly demanded services we offer to clients. It simply needs to be part of every business's marketing budget or else money is left on the table. Given that we specialize in outdoor services; we know a thing or two about fishing ourselves. This industry knowledge and experience on the water allows us to offer superior SEO services to fishing charters, fishing guides, and outdoorsmen in general.
I personally have fished all my life and know exactly how to carry fishing knowledge over to the fishing SEO industry in ways other SEOs wouldn’t recognize. After all, you probably wouldn’t want a video game expert writing content and optimizing your fishing business-so keep it in the family! Most all SEO services are cookie-cutter based and are neither here nor there with industry customization and phrases. Ask any other SEO what fish are in season or what fish are limited by state regulations and you will see a deer in the headlights stare. The point is I know SEO, I know fishing, and there’s no better choice out there to help get more people in the door to your fishing business.

There’s no Magic Pill to Fishing SEO
The secret to SEO is hard work by someone who knows their stuff and time. Please spend about five minutes searching Google for some “SEO services”. If at any point you see guarantees of #1 ranks or overnight traffic (for dirt cheap prices)—run! These kinds of ridiculous claims are false. So why can't I guarantee my services? Tommy Boy explains it best.
Though clients don't always want to hear it, SEO cannot be guaranteed. Ultimately, Google makes the final ranking decision. SEOs can only try their best to persuade Google into liking their site. It is bad practice to guarantee in SEO, so run if you see fishy promises. Many people have been burnt by these hit-n-run operations (usually foreign). The reality of the situation is that SEO can be quite pricey and you pretty much always get what you pay for. If you feel you can find quality SEO for cheap somewhere else, go for it. Just don’t say we didn’t warn you. Also, I would not recommend a large SEO firm to optimize your site. With these large firms, the lion's share of your money goes to all the managers and upper-level marketers, then the fraction that remains is given to the actual person who works on the site. For this reason, your money is much better off at a small consultative firm like ours. Your money doesn't go to our PR budget or a couple of people who aren't even involved in the project-it goes right to the labor and services provided!
Finding a good SEO expert is very difficult—even if you are okay with spending thousands. There are so many fakers out there it embarrasses the whole industry. It's hard to see people who are trying to find a good SEO without any kind of recommendation. More often than not, potential SEO clients are forced to take the word of SEOs because they don’t know any better, which leaves room for fast-talking scammers online. Whenever possible, try to go with a brand name that is associated with real people who recommend the service. We at 3plains have been doing SEO for years and have many fantastic returning customers. We can provide any recommendations. What to hear what some of our clients have to say? Read below!
You Make the Choice - Finding a fisherman who is also an online marketing expert and SEO is no easy feat. My main goal in this post was to educate you and secondly to display our genuine skill-set while establishing ourselves as experts in both the fields of fishing and SEO—and that makes us a little different.

SEO Pricing
If you look out on the net, there are SEO prices ranging from a few hundred to 50k+. This confuses most people who are just trying to find ways to get their brand out there. I understand the confusion. Before I got into SEO, I was hiring these "SEO Gurus" myself. Most SEO is an ongoing investment because Google changes its algorithms daily. These daily changes mean that it is best to have someone constantly looking over and optimizing your site for maximum exposure. Some SEOs out there offer the "one and done" upfront SEO service. This service is okay, but it won't be for long. It is well worth always having an SEO around for an opinion.
One of the biggest struggles I have with clients is explaining pricing. Unlike most other services, SEO isn’t very tangible. The many things I do will sound like complete mumbo-jumbo to any person who doesn’t know computer code. If you'd like to hear it anyway, let me know. Most SEOs do whatever is necessary to get good rankings, so it is hard to lay out a general formula. If the site needs X, we get X, if it needs Y, we get Y. Every site is different, so telling customers a static list of services doesn't always work. Almost all of the pricing of SEO at 3plains goes into skilled personal labor and analytics tools. The “real” product of SEO work is the ranking of your website going up on Google. That is the easiest way to think about what SEO really is. SEOs create good ranks. Get a quote today or view our pricing plan to see what solutions we can provide. By the time I’m done with my work, you’ll hopefully be a committed client ready to send us your own testimonial!