Photo Editing Services
In addition to our photography, our on-site photographer professionally edits photos to get the maximum quality and detail in each photograph. View the example of Buffalo Butte Ranch located in Gregory, South Dakota below.
The hunting bus couldn't be moved since it was far after sunset and the bus had mechanical issues with it, so we decided to take the photo since we were leaving the next day. We took the photos at a low shutter speed and edited out the bus later as you can see. We also removed the 2 SUVs near the main lodge and the Polaris Ranger.

Before: Dark photo, bus, and vehicles distracting from the photo.

After: Vehicles were removed and the sky lightened.

Trade Show Booth Design
The photograph has served as a main piece of marketing for the Buffalo Butte Ranch on all of their marketing materials, trade show booths, media kits, website lead banner, online profiles, Google, and various other media.