Winery Logo Design / Winery Branding

Winery Logo Design / Winery Branding

Winery Logo Design / Winery Branding

October 24, 2014 by

Designing a logo or building a brand and a name for you new business can be difficult. Trust me I know as I placed myself in the shoes of our client recently to help build a new brand for a families newest venture in life - a winery.

Conceptualizing a name took many revisions for this new winery. Going back and forth between family names, names about the river located on the property, or names about the historical features of the land. When the dust settled, a name that described the region where we located this winery, but was well had a tie into the prairie land that we are restoring, it brought this feeling to us as this was the right choice.  This is what you should look for when choosing a name for your winery or outfitting business for that fact.  Choose something that feels right.

Different Logo Colors

For the logo design, we went with the concept of the winery on the praire. Clean simple lines outline the land, while the stem of grass with a cluster of grapes brings the tie of the vineyard. One idea we had for the winery and bottling was to conceptualize 3 logos to relate to the wine that was bottled. In the end it becomes a great idea how with minor custmizations, you can make your logo adapt to work more for you.

Winery Vineyard Logos



Winery Vineyard Logo Design



Winery Logo Design


Icon Logo

So many times we forget to think about multiple applications you may use your logo for. This happened to us at the winery as well. When thinking about a iconic or smaller application for the logo design, we needed to design a logo that quickly related clients to the brand name.  We shortend up the lettering kept the overal concept similar to the orginal design. Now we have a logo to use for our tighter space or smaller advertising efforts.

Winery Vineyard Logo Icon Design

Posted in: Logo Design

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