Unrealistic SEO Expectations

With all the changes we've seen in the field of SEO in recent years, as a client, you need to think differently when it comes to expectations with your SEO. If you don't, more than likely you will be going down the path of frustration, confusion, anger or burning through SEO after SEO, after SEO. You might even get to the point you don't know who to trust anymore.
Here's the bottom line... SEO works. It's just different now.
Marketing is SEO
Our 3plains clients and potential clients we talk about a Marketing Strategy vs. just a "SEO Strategy" since being on the first page of Google will not just bring in leads and close sales. As a client, you need to be looking at a variety of things. Instead of just telling you in a blog post, we provided a fantastic video for you to watch that will help define your expectations with SEO, your SEO and your role as a client.
Watch the video and ask yourself, have I been unrealistic about my SEO?
Do I need to think differently about SEO?
Whether you are a current client or potentical client, I recommend watching this video from Rand Fishkin of Moz.com to get a insight on SEO, strategy, expectations and marketing.
Photo & video copyright Moz.com
Posted in: Uncategorized, SEO / SEM