South Dakota Dove Hunting

One of our Southeastern South Dakota customers invited us out for a weekend dove hunt. We had a hard time turning it down but didn't head out till the end of the workday Friday because of a huge workload of projects.
We had a great time dove hunting and spend some time at the rifle range that weekend. We shot over 60 doves which wasn't too bad since we didn't try that hard. It was a great primer for the pheasant season which was a month and a half away. A few photos from the weekend:
Ryan taking care of 3plains customer service on a weekend where he shouldn't be working
Doves and Federal 8 Shot
Getting primed up for pheasant season!
Sunset in South Dakota. Great day of hunting.
Cooking up the dove with Jalapenos, Habaneros and Bacon. Nice and hot and fresh from the garden!
Dove and Walleye. Looking good!
Posted in: Trips & Events