New PPC & Retargeting Services
Our customers have been hit pretty hard with West coast Pay Per Click (PPC) companies promising the world saying that they "Guarantee 1st page Google placement" or they "Work with Google". These are nothing more than sales tactics for Google AdWords.
So 3plains has started doing PPC & Retargeting now for our customers because we believe we can provide a higher value on the money you spend with us. You receive reporting options so you can follow along and see reports to see the clicks and contact forms they are filling out so you can see it working real time.
What is PPC & Retargeting?
1. Pay Per Click (PPC)
Paid Search Marketing is an important component in any marketing strategy. Professionally managed PPC marketing can result in increased traffic to your company’s website, improved search engine rankings, increase conversions and drive sales of your products.
Google is constantly adding new features to the AdWords platform (based on feedback from agencies like us) such as AdWords for video, dynamic remarketing ads, new ad extension formats, product level bidding for product listing ads (Google Shopping) and keyword level call tracking without requiring a 3rd party. We are on the cutting edge of everything AdWords has to offer – in fact we beta test all of the new AdWords features before they are even released to provide recommendations on real world results!
Read More: https://www.3plains.com/marketing/ppc/
2. Retargeting
Retargeting, also known as remarketing, is an avenue of internet marketing that can help keep your products and services in front of prospective customers after they leave your website. For the majority of businesses, only 2% of web traffic converts on the first visit. Retargeting is a tool designed to help companies reach the 98% of users who don’t act on their first visit to your website.
Here’s how it works. We add a piece of code to your website called a tracking tag or pixel. Once in place, the tracking tag places an anonymous cookie in the browser of every new visitor who visits your site. Now that your visitors have been tagged with a unique "cookie" our platform searches for them across Facebook or web sites in our network and displays your ads to them.
In the image to the right, you will see a retargeting example with a Cabela's Ad showing on the right hand side of the StarTribune.com website. This is because I have visited the Cabela's website in the past, so Cabela's is Retargeting or "Remarketing" to me. Your business ads will work in this same way.
Read more: https://www.3plains.com/marketing/retargeting/
Give us a call on this and we can take a look at the options to boost your traffic and sales.
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