Outdoor marketing articles with a mix of information about website development, branding, SEO and marketing tips on how to run your business more efficiently.

SEO vs. Print Ads
August 02, 2010 by Ryan Trask
How much potential business is out there searching for you and CAN'T find you because you haven't setup a budget for search engine marketing and SEO?
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Logo Design Prices
July 26, 2010 by Ryan Trask
I wanted to take a few minutes and attempt to shed some light on the confusion surrounding logo design, what the costs are, and why the prices you've been searching for online vary so greatly. That is if you can even find prices posted at all.
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Web Design Building Process
June 15, 2010 by Ryan Trask
A lot of our customers have asked us how we build out our custom websites and how the process works. Either our customers provide a sketch or we will sketch out ideas. Here's how the web design build process works.
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Hosting Comparison
June 05, 2010 by Ryan Trask
3plains offers content management (software to update your website) and hosting packages for all the websites we build. We realize that an ongoing monthly fee can be a surprise to clients who are new to the web. So what are the differences between a content management package with 3plains and the latest hosting deal online somewhere else?
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8th Annual South Dakota Firefighters/PVA Fishing Trip
May 19, 2010 by Ryan Trask
3plains is sponsoring a boat for the North Central Chapter Paralyzed Veterans of America located in Sioux Falls South Dakota. This is our first year sponsoring a boat for this event, so we jumped at the opportunity and look forward to working with the North Central Chapter for years to come.
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Starting A Successful Website
December 08, 2009 by Ryan Trask
How much does a good website cost? What's a good website?
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