It's not pheasant hunting unless you're getting stuck

Chris at UGUIDE South Dakota Pheasant Hunting invited us out for a 2 day pheasant hunt in Armour South Dakota on the last week of the 2014 South Dakota pheasant hunting season.
If anyone knows me, I do like snow and the cold weather - even though I get crap from everyone for being a prissy boy computer guy. This weather we hunted in was even cold and brisk enough to make the seasoned hunter a bit squeamish. The wind was howling, with gusts up to 40 mph and the wind chill was brutal at -15.
Regardless, we headed out and hunted. The conditions were actually perfect for hunting.
The last week of the season, the birds are well versed in escaping and evading hunters. However, even in these conditions, the pheasants were holding pretty tight. We worked several plots and birds were flushing like blackbirds in the sky. Shots were obviously tough with the wind conditions but it made for a excellent hunt.
We avoided the after hunt "lineup photo" because my fingers and toes were too darn cold. So I figured cleaning birds was the best way to warm up.
Posted in: Trips & Events