Domain Name Scam via Postal Mail: (iDNS)

In the mail today I received a letter from a company called “iDNS” stating that “You must renew your domain name…“. Another scam trying to get you to pay their inflated domain name rate and to cause confusion amongst domain name owners and our clients.
This scam has been running strong for close to 20 years. It's actually called Domain Slamming:
"Domain slamming (also known as unauthorized transfers or domain name registration scams) is a scam in which the offending domain name registrar attempts to trick domain owners into switching from their existing registrar to theirs, under the pretense that the customer is simply renewing their subscription to their current register."
Just throw this letter (and letters similar to it) in the shredder. As you can see, there are several discussion boards out there talking about these types scams.
Here's what the letter looks like:
Posted in: Domains