January 2020 Google Core Update

Searchengineland.com reported back on January 13th that Google was rolling out a new core update - the first core update for 2020. Google generally now rolls out these algorithmic updates every few months or so. Now that the Google January 2020 core update is mostly rolled out, several data providers are reporting what they found with this Google search update. All of the data providers agree that this core update was a big one and impacted a large number of web sites.
The January 2020 core update started to roll out around 12:00 PM ET on Monday, January 13th. That rollout was "mostly done" by Thursday morning, on January 16th. This was a global update, and was not specific to any region, language or category of web sites. It is a classic "broad core update."
Mordy Oberstein from RankRanger said, “the YMYL (your money, your life) niches got hit very hard.” “This a huge update,” he added. “There is massive movement at the top of the SERP for the Health and Finance niches and incredible increases for all niches when looking at the top 10 results overall.”
Like any other update, your website can be hit positively or negatively. If your website has a negative impact, then I recommend taking a step back and the overall scope of your digital marketing. More often than not, core updates can have a short term impact and not a long term impact on your overall business.
If you have any questions on this update or your overall digital marketing strategy, email us or call 612.712.2060 to talk to us.
Posted in: SEO / SEM