Gain on your Competition through Proper SEO Techniques
Our usual phone call with a new/current client is a comment such as "How is my competition achieving such high rankings? How can I achieve the same thing or better yet beat them?" It's a typical phone call, with one of our 3plains team members answering and asking a few questions first. How much time, effort and money are you willing to put into achieving results?
Clients like examples and a explanation in layman's terms. This particular client who I'm referring to in this blog post, we ran a 3 month teaser SEO campaign to make them a believer in the SEO process, since this client had already spent a large portion of their budget on print advertising for the year.
After 80 days, not only were the rankings improving drastically against a particular competitor he had mentioned, but the leads were funneling in as well. I took a quick snapshot of the SEO campaign from the last 42 days and 80 days, showing the gains against a direct competitor. Obviously I have hidden the client and keywords for client anonymity. Clients enjoy seeing direct gains against competition, reverse engineering what exactly they are doing and why.
42 Days: Gaining Traction
80 Days: Closing the Gap
Results are achievable with hard work, measuring results and repeating. Repeating is key, since you can't just get to the top and sit on top. There is always work to be done to maintain your position.
We are constantly educating customer on the importance of marketing and high ROI. The problem becomes with the sheer volume of online marketing vehicles, tactics and other tools out there. It's overwhelming to the small business owner, so we typically refer customer over to read our internet marketing recommendations if they need more reading or recommend a budget so we can get started on a marketing campaign.
Any questions, please give 3plains a call at 612-716-2060 to discuss growing your business.
Posted in: SEO / SEM, Advertising, Marketing