Success with Text Logos

We generally get a lot of phone calls for custom logo designs. Frequently our potential clients approach us thinking that absolutely everything related to their service or business should be pictured next to their name... and haven't even considered something simpler. Even on an unlimited budget a text only logo could be just the right combination of iconic, memorable, and easy to read that gets the job done. Let the facts that a text only logo usually takes less time to build, and approve, while being our most affordable logo solution be icing on the cake.
Client - Outlaw Ranch Outfitters
This logo was inspired by wanted posters that harken back to the wild west. It employs weathered text and earthy colors.
On the website, we pushed the idea further with a weathered burnt paper background and a few North Dakota species you might harvest at Outlaw Ranch. The embellishments fit right in with the overall design aspects of the Outlaw Ranch Outfitters website while providing a great backdrop for what is already a complete and strong logo.
Client - Rutting Ridge Outfitters
This logo was inspired by a number of grunge style fonts, and sunrise colors. Having the text mimic the shape of a sunrise just a little tied in the color choices.
On the website, the client requested incorporating an old family photo, and it ended up being the perfect backdrop and frame for their new logo while showing a bit of the history at Rutting Ridge Outfiiters.
Text only logos might not be a first thought or choice when planning a new logo, but the reality is you can make a big impact with text. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but sometimes that's 990 odd words too many.
Posted in: Logo Design, Branding