comScore Releases April 2012 U.S. Search Rankings

comScore, Inc. has released it's April 2012 search engine results. What does this mean for us in the hunting industry and our outfitter websites? The dominance of being on the first page in Google.
Let's look at the chart:
Data source: comScore (5/12)
My thoughts on these numbers
As a hunting SEO professional, it's clear you should be focusing 75%+ your time or your money on Google and dedicating around 25% on Yahoo/Bing if not less. Let's take a look at the 3 big search engines.
Yahoo is not relevant anymore. They have been falling for 8 consecutive months in search engine marketshare. Add the fact that people are ditching their yahoo.com/ymail.com accounts for gmail.com or professional.com email accounts hence abandoning the default Yahoo search engine and their ability to serve ads to you. It's no wonder their marketshare is falling. I can name 10 personal friends and 10 business aquaintences that have ditched their Yahoo email for Gmail or Google.
Microsoft (aka Bing)
Microsoft has been climbing in search engine marketshare, however, they still only control 15.4%.
In my opinion, Microsoft has a legitimate opportunity in the future to grow their search engine marketshare. I happen to like their mapping features and it's interesting that Edinarealty.com (a Berkshire Hathaway company) is using Bing mapping for their website.
In addition, Bing and Facebook are working together since Microsoft made a $240 million dollar investement in Facebook or 1.6% percent of private equity before Facebook went public in October 2007. I find it interesting that Microsoft is deeply integrating Facebook in Bing search results.
Bing is my wildcard search engine and will be a fun search engine to watch to see how it plays out. When the Bing mapping App is on my phone, it's then and maybe I can see it making traction.
66.5% of search engine marketshare? That means 66.5/100 users are using Google for search. Wow. Google is not going away and will remain dominant until Microsoft or someone new steps up to the plate. If it's someone new, that won't be for a long time in my opinion.
I think it's time to take a look at your website SEO results in Google.
View the Full comScore April 2012 rankings at comScore's website.