When Asking For A Custom Logo, Cite Specific Examples

Before we can give you a worthwhile estimate on any logo work, we need to have your thoughts and ideas that include specific examples. Doing your homework can really help save a significant amount of time, which translates to dollars you don’t have to spend.
Recently we received one of the most helpful email messages we’ve ever gotten from a potential logo client. In it, he cites specific examples of our own previous work, as key reference points for the new logo he had in mind. With his permission, we’ve included excerpts from that message below.
Email from the Client
…I have reviewed your price categories on the website for logo design and believe I can provide much of the research & gathering material for your design team. As there was a past logo design (samples attached), I am seeking a new logo that pay’s respect to the “original roots”. I have reviewed many of your designs and can provide examples of my preferences and why. As well, I have a few other personal criteria I would appreciate being taken into consideration when designing the logo.
Past 3plains Design Preferences (Pros/Cons):

Birdina Outfitters (Pros: Great logo for a distinctive embroidered emblem on retail clothing. Especially like the larger font for the name of the organization that is much more current than the attached original logo. Also like the gray "shadow" background but I could instead see a Mt. Whitney/Alabama Hills type "shadow" behind the main logo. Cons: The gray "shadow" background works for this logo but I would want to see the "shadow" more developed into an recognizable image as I had mentioned previously.)

First Class Outdoors (Pros: Simple and classy earth color lettering. Cons: The logo's one color for the animal icon (deer) would be too simple for a colorful pheasant. Lettering could be difficult to read from a distance if worn on clothing.)

Canyon Rim Outfitters (Pros: Organizational name is easily identifiable. Logo easily transferable for embroidery uses. Cons: Not any, but the animal icon (cougar) could be too simple for a colorful pheasant?)
Personal Criteria for Consideration:
As is quite apparent, I am seeking a design that is visually appealing but will transfer into an "embroider-able" logo. Merchandising is a large revenue generator for this organization so I hope you can appreciate my numerous references to this criteria.
Name Recognition
A new logo that pay’s respect to the “original roots” if possible. Mt. Whitney is the highest summit in the contiguous United States with an elevation of 14,505 feet, and the Lone Pine Pheasant Club is located at the base of the Sierra Nevada Mountains in the historical Alabama Hills. The Alabama Hills are a “range of hills” and rock formations at the base of the afore mentioned mountain range which itself is 1,500 feet above the floor of Owens Valley. See attached photos.
I understand I may be seeking two different proofs of one logo; one graphically-visually appealing and one simple enough to transfer to the creative restrictions of retail merchandise. So, please call/email once receiving this email, I suspect you will have numerous questions/concerns. As well, please inform me as to your preliminary cost estimate for such a logo design and your payment policies…
Further emails will follow with more attachments for concept ideas.
Thank you and I am extremely excited to witness a new version of an old friend.
Price & Logo Questionnaire Form

If we don’t have specific examples or concepts from you, no matter how crude, it’s impossible for us to provide an accurate estimate for your custom logo design. View the concept drawing to the left we received from a customer’s bar napkin. It was exactly what we needed to make an accurate estimate, and move forward with the design without having to waste precious design hours concepting other ideas.
We understand that price can be a sticking point for your business, and that you may not have the start up capital of a more established company, so we want to be able to give you an accurate estimate, and your legwork and planning makes all the difference.
In order to make an accurate quote, we need specific examples of what you’re looking for (like the above email message). The more specific you can be, the more accurate we can get. Vague ideas and concepts increase our estimate range drastically. It’s extremely helpful to cite examples from our own portfolio of existing custom logos, but not necessary. You can also include images from other places on the web or even your own photos and drawings.
More Helpful Links for you to Read
- View our 3plains Logo Portfolio
- Taking your napkin concept into a logo.
- How about putting that big buck you shot into a logo?
- Logo concept ideas: Review photos of your ranch and the answer might just come to you.
- How does the 3plains custom logo building process work?
- 3plains Blog - Read more on logo design at our blog.
Posted in: Logo Design