Web Design
A blog of web design ideas, tips, articles and information for outdoor outfitters, hunting and fishing websites.

Recent Land Real Estate Website Launches
March 24, 2022 by Ryan Trask
As a website company building residential real estate websites and working in the hunting, outdoors and fishing space, we are able to understand and help market your name, brand, brokerage company or numerous websites you may have.

Website Photography - Taking The Best Photos
November 16, 2020 by 3plains
Building and launching a new website requires a lot of different things, and for the hunting, fishing, and outdoors industry, photography is arguably the most important requirement. All too often we have clients approach us for a new website without any good photography. We have some tips for all you guides and outfitters out there to help you take the types of photos that will really enhance your website, and will truly show off what you have to offer.

I Have A Buddy Who Does Websites
August 06, 2020 by Ryan Trask
This entry begins with sharing the pain felt by so many small business owners who decide to assume the risk that comes with entrusting a friend, peer, client, colleague, or "friend of a friend's kid who went to college for web design" to manage the overall digital strategy for marketing their business on the internet.

Likes vs Leads: Will Social Media Dependency Kill Your Hunting Business?
August 23, 2019 by Ryan Trask
We’ve all witnessed it on social media. Typically observed in the middle of the year once Spring hunting and trade show seasons have come to an end, and outfitters have had time to begin filling out their schedules for the upcoming Fall & Winter hunting seasons. If you're still unclear with where we are going with this, please reference the screen shot image that is featured with this introduction.

3plains Partners With Orvis® Endorsed Lodges
May 03, 2019 by Ben Holbrook
3plains is honored to announce a partnership with ORVIS® Endorsed Lodges, and will honor a 20% discount on all custom website design and marketing packages.

3plains Welcomes Our Last Month's New Customers
July 23, 2018 by Ryan Trask
3plains is welcoming our latest and last month's website customers. The summer has been hot with new websites thanks to 3plains. In the months of June & July we have launched over 15 websites, almost two a week, but we're just getting started giving our customers sleek new mobile friendly websites.

Google is now migrating sites to mobile-first indexing
June 09, 2018 by Ryan Trask
The fact is, Google has switched to a mobile-first index, because Google users are using Mobile phones more than their desktop computers. It's just that simple. Look at your friends, family and colleagues. How are they viewing websites, shopping online and what devices are they using?

What does Mobile-Friendly really mean?
November 10, 2017 by 3plains
Is your website mobile-friendly? Just because you can pull it up on your phone doesn't mean it is. Here's what you need to know.
Search Stats: Nearly 60% of searches now from mobile devices
March 30, 2017 by Ryan Trask
According to official Google statements, more than 50 percent of search queries globally now come from mobile devices and could possibly be up to 60 percent. This begs the question, if your website isn't mobile, why haven't you converted it to mobile / reponsive yet?

The Ever-Changing World of Website Design
December 22, 2016 by 3plains
Designing for the web is a rollercoaster ride of fads and technology. Every time someone comes up with some new trick with HTML5, or CSS3, or even a javascript library everyone wants to jump on the bandwagon to “keep up with everyone else”. Here’s the problem with that. The latest fads don’t work for everyone. New languages and new technology aren’t always better. The old adage “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it” rings truer than ever these days.

Responsive Design and the “Mobile First” Philosophy
September 14, 2016 by 3plains
Responsive Design. A term that’s been thrown around so much in the last 5 years we hardly know what it truly means anymore. What is Responsive Design? What is Responsive Development? I break it all down in this article and why we created a hybrid of Responsive Design and Adaptive Design for our new website.

3plains Recognized for Superior Web Design Service
June 12, 2016 by Ryan Trask
3plains Recognized for Superior Web Design Service by Clutch, a Washington, D.C.-based research firm that’s focused on finding the best IT services firms.

Changing Web Companies
June 08, 2016 by Ryan Trask
For some clients, changing web companies is and can be a miserable and gut-wrenching experience - how to tell your old company you are firing them and then hoping your new web company actually can deliver what they say they can and are going to do.

Mobilegeddon - The Sky is Not Falling
April 21, 2015 by Ryan Trask
If you haven't heard yet, Google has a big algorithm update out today. If you remember Y2K, the grid did not go offline because of a 2 digit issue. In my opinion, Google announcing this new mobile update is no different.

Promotional Video Marketing Hunting Outfitters
May 09, 2014 by Ryan Trask
Finally here and hot off the press. The promotional video that was shot out at Buffalo Butte Ranch in South Dakota is ready for viewing!

2013 Success Tips from 3plains
January 14, 2013 by Ryan Trask
Make your outfitting business a success in 2013 with tips from the 3plains team. Read what the 3plains professionals have to say...

3plains 10 Years in Business
October 27, 2012 by Ryan Trask
It's been 10 years since I first started 3plains. I wanted to highlight our first customer who has redone their website with us for the 3rd time now. Thank you to the Springer Family (Marshall, Colleen and Dillon Springer) for their business and friendship over the years.

Fall 2012 - New 3plains Websites
October 03, 2012 by Ryan Trask
View some of our new 3plains website designs launched in the last 2 months. Plenty more to come!

Do we just build outdoor websites?
March 09, 2012 by Ryan Trask
We get asked a lot if we "just build outdoor websites", so we thought it would be nice to show a highlighted project from a landscaping company in Minneapolis Minnesota.

New Custom Websites
October 07, 2010 by Ryan Trask
Here are a few of our latest custom website designs. Black Mountain Outfitters, Honey Creek Outfitters, Kashin' In, Pheasant City Lodge are just a few we have recently worked on.

New Brand Identity: Canada Waterfowl Outfitter
September 27, 2010 by Ryan Trask
Recently launched for Prairies Edge Outfitting, a web design package with custom logo design & print design additions.

Web Design Building Process
June 15, 2010 by Ryan Trask
A lot of our customers have asked us how we build out our custom websites and how the process works. Either our customers provide a sketch or we will sketch out ideas. Here's how the web design build process works.

Starting A Successful Website
December 08, 2009 by Ryan Trask
How much does a good website cost? What's a good website?

Website Address on Vehicles
October 15, 2009 by Ryan Trask
Living in the Twin Cities involves driving a lot of driving with the poor transportation system. A person usually spends between an average of 20-50 minutes in their vehicle typically. Since I can get quite bored, obviously I end up looking at vehicle decals, advertisements or business signage on the roads. It never ceases to amaze me how many vehicles have logo'ed trucks, banners, stickers, and so forth with a phone number, but zero indication of a web address.

Launching New Website
March 08, 2009 by Ryan Trask
Launching a new website for River Valley Outfitters with my nephew Ben at the helm.