Web Design
A blog of web design ideas, tips, articles and information for outdoor outfitters, hunting and fishing websites.

Recent Land Real Estate Website Launches
March 24, 2022 by Ryan Trask
As a website company building residential real estate websites and working in the hunting, outdoors and fishing space, we are able to understand and help market your name, brand, brokerage company or numerous websites you may have.

Website Photography - Taking The Best Photos
November 16, 2020 by 3plains
Building and launching a new website requires a lot of different things, and for the hunting, fishing, and outdoors industry, photography is arguably the most important requirement. All too often we have clients approach us for a new website without any good photography. We have some tips for all you guides and outfitters out there to help you take the types of photos that will really enhance your website, and will truly show off what you have to offer.

I Have A Buddy Who Does Websites
August 06, 2020 by Ryan Trask
This entry begins with sharing the pain felt by so many small business owners who decide to assume the risk that comes with entrusting a friend, peer, client, colleague, or "friend of a friend's kid who went to college for web design" to manage the overall digital strategy for marketing their business on the internet.

Likes vs Leads: Will Social Media Dependency Kill Your Hunting Business?
August 23, 2019 by Ryan Trask
We’ve all witnessed it on social media. Typically observed in the middle of the year once Spring hunting and trade show seasons have come to an end, and outfitters have had time to begin filling out their schedules for the upcoming Fall & Winter hunting seasons. If you're still unclear with where we are going with this, please reference the screen shot image that is featured with this introduction.

3plains Partners With OrvisĀ® Endorsed Lodges
May 03, 2019 by Ben Holbrook
3plains is honored to announce a partnership with ORVIS® Endorsed Lodges, and will honor a 20% discount on all custom website design and marketing packages.

3plains Welcomes Our Last Month's New Customers
July 23, 2018 by Ryan Trask
3plains is welcoming our latest and last month's website customers. The summer has been hot with new websites thanks to 3plains. In the months of June & July we have launched over 15 websites, almost two a week, but we're just getting started giving our customers sleek new mobile friendly websites.