A search engine optimization blog for hunting outfitters, guides and lodges to help their internet marketing presence. 3plains has been performing organic SEO since 2001 for the hunting, fishing and outdoor industry.

Unrealistic SEO Expectations
December 30, 2014 by Ryan Trask
With all the changes we've seen in the field of SEO in recent years, as a client, you need to think differently when it comes to expectations with SEO. If you don't, more than likely you will be going down the path burning through SEO after SEO, after SEO.

Promotional Video Marketing Hunting Outfitters
May 09, 2014 by Ryan Trask
Finally here and hot off the press. The promotional video that was shot out at Buffalo Butte Ranch in South Dakota is ready for viewing!

Recovering from a Google penalty
August 29, 2013 by Ryan Trask
We recently had a Arkansas waterfowl hunting outfitter call us looking for a new website. He let us know that he had his website since 1996 and he had received a lot of business from his website - up until summer of 2012. After summer 2012, he said the calls just stopped coming in. Not only that, he was not even ranking in the first 500 SERP's in Google. Wow, not good; but not the first time we have seen this.

2013 Success Tips from 3plains
January 14, 2013 by Ryan Trask
Make your outfitting business a success in 2013 with tips from the 3plains team. Read what the 3plains professionals have to say...

Invest into your Website - Not Facebook
November 22, 2012 by Ryan Trask
Facebook is great for connecting with friends and family, however it is not necessarily a good tool for marketing your business.

comScore May 2012 Search Engine Rankings
June 19, 2012 by Ryan Trask
RESTON, Va., June 13, 2012 -- /PRNewswire/ -- comScore, Inc. (NASDAQ: SCOR), a leader in measuring the digital world, released its monthly comScore qSearch analysis of the U.S. search marketplace. Google Sites led the explicit core search market in May with 66.7 percent of search queries conducted.