A search engine optimization blog for hunting outfitters, guides and lodges to help their internet marketing presence. 3plains has been performing organic SEO since 2001 for the hunting, fishing and outdoor industry.

Do Google Ads or PPC Work For Hunting & Fishing Lodges?
March 24, 2023 by Ben Holbrook
Do Google Ads or PPC Work For Hunting & Fishing Lodges? Absolutely! Google Ads, formally known as Google AdWords, is ideal for seasonal businesses like hunting and fishing lodges.

I Have A Buddy Who Does Websites
August 06, 2020 by Ryan Trask
This entry begins with sharing the pain felt by so many small business owners who decide to assume the risk that comes with entrusting a friend, peer, client, colleague, or "friend of a friend's kid who went to college for web design" to manage the overall digital strategy for marketing their business on the internet.

January 2020 Google Core Update
January 31, 2020 by Ryan Trask
Searchengineland.com reported back on January 13th that Google was rolling out a new core update - the first core update for 2020. Google generally now rolls out these algorithmic updates every few months or so. Now that the Google January 2020 core update is mostly rolled out, several data providers are reporting what they found with this Google search update. All of the data providers agree that this core update was a big one and impacted a large number of web sites.

3plains Partners With Orvis® Endorsed Lodges
May 03, 2019 by Ben Holbrook
3plains is honored to announce a partnership with ORVIS® Endorsed Lodges, and will honor a 20% discount on all custom website design and marketing packages.

Why You Shouldn’t Do Searches For Your Google Ads or Search Your Own Keywords
April 29, 2019 by Ben Holbrook
This may seem obvious but if you search for your ads, STOP DOING IT & do not click on them. You are depleting your ad budget and hurting your quality score, which will increase your cost per click. When you click on your own ad, without spending a significant amount of time on your website or close the window, it hurts the quality score of your Google Ads account and the Ad Rank for your ads.
Bye Bye Google+
February 01, 2019 by Ryan Trask
The Google+ social media network never really took off, and never earning the buzz that was once forecasted for it. The main areas of the site that flourished and grew in user engagement were Photos, Communities and Collections. A personally believe a large majority of the users didn't even know what the hell the network even was. Either way, goodbye Google+ and I'm glad. Another terrible social media product that ended up like MySpace.