3plains outdoors marketing blog about SEO, advertising, content marketing, consulting, photography, social media and more.
Search Stats: Nearly 60% of searches now from mobile devices
March 30, 2017 by Ryan Trask
According to official Google statements, more than 50 percent of search queries globally now come from mobile devices and could possibly be up to 60 percent. This begs the question, if your website isn't mobile, why haven't you converted it to mobile / reponsive yet?

The Ever-Changing World of Website Design
December 22, 2016 by 3plains
Designing for the web is a rollercoaster ride of fads and technology. Every time someone comes up with some new trick with HTML5, or CSS3, or even a javascript library everyone wants to jump on the bandwagon to “keep up with everyone else”. Here’s the problem with that. The latest fads don’t work for everyone. New languages and new technology aren’t always better. The old adage “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it” rings truer than ever these days.

Google Penguin Update 4.0
October 02, 2016 by Ryan Trask
Has your SEMRush, SEOMoz, Google Analytics Account, or other Tracking Software been bouncing around here in the last several weeks? Well, there is possibly a reason for that - Google Penguin 4.0.

The Pharma Hack & SEO Implications
September 29, 2016 by Ryan Trask
We usually have multiple projects going at once and I'm one of the multiple 3plains employees who are working on any given project at one time. Typically I'm involved with the setup, the launch and the search engine marketing side of projects. For this project, my employee had noted in the initial project ticket that when this new client had signed on, that his rankings were not what they used to be - in fact "terrible" was the word used multiple times.

Mobile Friendly Website Example
June 23, 2015 by Ryan Trask
We did hear from several of our customers asking about what is all entailed with moving their website over to a mobile friendly design and what makes a website "mobile friendly". So let's take a look at one of our fishing website design customers Aabsolute Charters who moved their website over to a mobile friendly design last week.

Quality Website Traffic + Leads = Bookings
January 20, 2015 by Ryan Trask
In 2011, we began a SEO campaign for a customer. When we first started working with the customer a few years back, they were under the assumption being #1 in the search engines is the end-all-be-all.