A blog of domain ideas and tips for outdoor outfitters, hunting and fishing websites.

Domain Registry and Domain Listing Scams
May 01, 2020 by Ryan Trask
I have written in the past on postal mail domain name scams and postal mail website backup scams. We get clients asking us if these scam letters are legitimate at least a handful of times a month. My answer is usually the same to customers. What is the name of the company that sent the letter?

Tracking Down A Client's Domain Name
March 21, 2019 by Ryan Trask
Some days I seriously feel like I'm Fred Jones tracking down a ghost with my ol' pal Shaggy (A.J. Davidson) and Scooby-Doo rollin' in the Mystery Machine. I am surprised by the amount of businesses running in the dark about where or what is going on with their domain name or website host. Most small businesses trust their website company, consultant, buddy, webmaster, or whatever you call it.

Overbuying domain names
July 26, 2017 by Ryan Trask
In talking with our customers over the years, I find a common problem is overbuying domain names, running multiple websites, or buying domain name privacy options which is really unnecessary.

Domain Name Scam via Postal Mail: (iDNS)
September 17, 2015 by Ryan Trask
In the mail today I received a letter from a company called “iDNS” stating that “You must renew your domain name…“. Another scam trying to get you to pay their inflated domain name rate and to cause confusion amongst domain name owners and our clients.
Domain name acquisition
February 11, 2012 by Ryan Trask
Someone else owns the .com name I want. Can I acquire the .com name and if so, how do I buy it?

Website Address on Vehicles
October 15, 2009 by Ryan Trask
Living in the Twin Cities involves driving a lot of driving with the poor transportation system. A person usually spends between an average of 20-50 minutes in their vehicle typically. Since I can get quite bored, obviously I end up looking at vehicle decals, advertisements or business signage on the roads. It never ceases to amaze me how many vehicles have logo'ed trucks, banners, stickers, and so forth with a phone number, but zero indication of a web address.