3plains branding blog for hunting and fishing guides, outfitters and outdoor companies.

Custom Charter Fishing Logo Design
March 22, 2011 by Ryan Trask
Just like my computer is an extension of my creative arm, and my single most used tool here at 3plains, John's fishing boat is at the center of Between the Lines.

Custom Waterfowl Graphic
October 11, 2010 by Ryan Trask
When I came across the photo of Reno, Greg's lab, I just knew I had to use it. What a great image of Reno retrieving that beautiful drake!

New Brand Identity: Canada Waterfowl Outfitter
September 27, 2010 by Ryan Trask
Recently launched for Prairies Edge Outfitting, a web design package with custom logo design & print design additions.

4 New Cool Hunting and Fishing Logos
September 23, 2010 by Ryan Trask
View a few of our latest custom logo creations. Stay tuned at our blog, we have several more logos we are currently working on.

Logo Design Prices
July 26, 2010 by Ryan Trask
I wanted to take a few minutes and attempt to shed some light on the confusion surrounding logo design, what the costs are, and why the prices you've been searching for online vary so greatly. That is if you can even find prices posted at all.

Website Address on Vehicles
October 15, 2009 by Ryan Trask
Living in the Twin Cities involves driving a lot of driving with the poor transportation system. A person usually spends between an average of 20-50 minutes in their vehicle typically. Since I can get quite bored, obviously I end up looking at vehicle decals, advertisements or business signage on the roads. It never ceases to amaze me how many vehicles have logo'ed trucks, banners, stickers, and so forth with a phone number, but zero indication of a web address.