3plains branding blog for hunting and fishing guides, outfitters and outdoor companies.

Outdoor Trade Show Tips
May 15, 2023 by Ryan Trask
How to have a successful trade show weekend; from sales, to lead tracking, to your booth.

30 Awesome Custom Deer Hunting Logos Designed by 3plains
May 03, 2023 by Ryan Trask
30 logos were tough to pick from our large portfolio of deer hunting logos, so I narrowed them down to logos that had a whitetail or mule deer silhouette, rack, European mount, typical or untypical rack and stayed away from the combination deer hunting logos. We will follow up in a few months with our combo deer logos.

25 Awesome Upland Hunting Logos by 3plains
May 01, 2023 by Ryan Trask
Check out 25 different upland hunting logos from 3plains. We have custom designed everything from a simple outline of a pheasant to detailed / realistic birds - the possibilities are endless.

Hunting Outfitter Logo Update & Rebrand
March 24, 2023 by Ryan Trask
A client called 3plains looking for brand overhaul along with a logo re-design, trade show booth design, marketing brochures and business cards. Let's take a look at the re-brand.

I Have A Buddy Who Does Websites
August 06, 2020 by Ryan Trask
This entry begins with sharing the pain felt by so many small business owners who decide to assume the risk that comes with entrusting a friend, peer, client, colleague, or "friend of a friend's kid who went to college for web design" to manage the overall digital strategy for marketing their business on the internet.

Client Brand & Embroidery Update
March 15, 2019 by Ryan Trask
Usually we build a logo for a client, we ship the final logo designs off and that's that. However, Adam & Amber Traylor of Hunt to Harvest were so excited about their new brand, that they were gracious enough to send us sample hats to the 3plains team. I thought that was pretty cool of Adam to do, as I think that shows a level of gratitude above and beyond the client relationship.

The Ever-Changing World of Website Design
December 22, 2016 by 3plains
Designing for the web is a rollercoaster ride of fads and technology. Every time someone comes up with some new trick with HTML5, or CSS3, or even a javascript library everyone wants to jump on the bandwagon to “keep up with everyone else”. Here’s the problem with that. The latest fads don’t work for everyone. New languages and new technology aren’t always better. The old adage “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it” rings truer than ever these days.

Changing Web Companies
June 08, 2016 by Ryan Trask
For some clients, changing web companies is and can be a miserable and gut-wrenching experience - how to tell your old company you are firing them and then hoping your new web company actually can deliver what they say they can and are going to do.

Custom Logo for Whitetail Deer Ranch
July 01, 2015 by Ryan Trask
Here's another example of a custom logo 3plains designed for one of customers for his whitetail deer ranch in Mississippi. It's amazing how many quality guides and outfitters are out there that have been in business since the 90's without an official logo. It's as simple as a whitetail buck on your wall.

Branding Options and Logo Variations
June 20, 2015 by Ryan Trask
Have you ever felt like you have been stuck with your original logo color variations and wondered if you could have different variations and without changing your overall brand?

16 New Awesome Outdoor Industry Logos
March 01, 2015 by Ryan Trask
2015 has been ridiculously busy so far and it feels like we have been doing nothing but treading water because of the huge influx of new logo designs. Let's take a look at 16 new logos we have designed this winter season here at 3plains.

Dog Training Logo Design Ideas
May 14, 2014 by Ryan Trask
A few potential customers called and asked about putting together a logo for their gun dog training and dog kennel businesses. Anything can be done for a logo design, so I figured rather than just talk about it, to highlight and show a past logo we have built. Here's one example to show you how to come up an idea and how we can execute.

Promotional Video Marketing Hunting Outfitters
May 09, 2014 by Ryan Trask
Finally here and hot off the press. The promotional video that was shot out at Buffalo Butte Ranch in South Dakota is ready for viewing!

Custom Hunting and Fishing Logos
May 03, 2014 by Ryan Trask
Wow what a spring full of custom logo designs and work for existing clients. While things have been busy, it has been a long time since we showcased some of the work. Check out the latest today!

Recovering from a Google penalty
August 29, 2013 by Ryan Trask
We recently had a Arkansas waterfowl hunting outfitter call us looking for a new website. He let us know that he had his website since 1996 and he had received a lot of business from his website - up until summer of 2012. After summer 2012, he said the calls just stopped coming in. Not only that, he was not even ranking in the first 500 SERP's in Google. Wow, not good; but not the first time we have seen this.

2013 Success Tips from 3plains
January 14, 2013 by Ryan Trask
Make your outfitting business a success in 2013 with tips from the 3plains team. Read what the 3plains professionals have to say...

Copyright or Trademark your Logo
November 21, 2012 by Ryan Trask
Copyrights and trademarks are used to protect your intellectual property against infringement. Copyrights protect works of authorship, such as written work, film, audio, digital files and logos. These usually apply to works you’ve created. Trademarks are used for words, phrases, and symbols that identify a company and distinguish it from others. Because our custom logos include original, and often times commissioned, artwork you may want both a copyright and trademark to protect your logo and your brand.

3plains 10 Years in Business
October 27, 2012 by Ryan Trask
It's been 10 years since I first started 3plains. I wanted to highlight our first customer who has redone their website with us for the 3rd time now. Thank you to the Springer Family (Marshall, Colleen and Dillon Springer) for their business and friendship over the years.

4 New Custom Hunting Logos
July 11, 2012 by Ryan Trask
We've had a lot in the works in the way of custom logos here at 3plains for some time, so we thought it might be a good time to let you take a look at a few of them. We're still working through our current backlog of custom logo requests, but with taking the time to do each and every logo right, the work can often be slower than anticipated. It's really great to be able to share some of these finished designs with you. We can't wait to see them being put to use in the field.
Email: MyName@MyBusiness.com
May 11, 2012 by Ryan Trask
It's time to get professional email and drop the hotmail, yahoo or your ISP email address. Your choice of email address is a factor in how you are perceived whether you like it or not. In fact, you may be losing sales and potential bookings. Let's look at a few examples.

Success with Text Logos
April 02, 2012 by Ryan Trask
We generally get a lot of phone calls for custom logo designs. Frequently our potential clients approach us thinking that absolutely everything related to their service or business should be pictured next to their name... and haven't even considered something simpler.

Do we just build outdoor websites?
March 09, 2012 by Ryan Trask
We get asked a lot if we "just build outdoor websites", so we thought it would be nice to show a highlighted project from a landscaping company in Minneapolis Minnesota.

Put it on a Napkin (if you have to)
March 08, 2012 by Ryan Trask
No matter how crude or rudimentary you think your drawings might be, they are a gold mine to designers like us. Getting you're great ideas out of your head and onto something we can look at it can often be the hardest part.

Have you sent out postcards to your clients lately?
March 06, 2012 by Ryan Trask
It's always fun to see one of our clients take advantage of our 3plains print design. Our website customers get the advantage of our 3plains print design at our members only pricing.
Domain name acquisition
February 11, 2012 by Ryan Trask
Someone else owns the .com name I want. Can I acquire the .com name and if so, how do I buy it?

Stumped for logo ideas?
February 08, 2012 by Ryan Trask
Maybe the answer lies in the one of your favorite buck photos.

How Do I Come Up With A Logo Concept?
January 10, 2012 by Ryan Trask
Coming up with a logo for your business can be difficult, especially if creativity isn't one of the tools in your wheelhouse. Here's an example of how we created a logo based on a concept that capture the essence of the client's business.

The Logo Building Process
December 15, 2011 by Ryan Trask
We get quite a few inquiry's asking us how we build out our custom logos, how the process works and what a custom logo costs.

Trade Show Season is Near
December 01, 2011 by Ryan Trask
Trade show season is right around the corner, so we decided to show a example of a booth we designed this summer for a South Dakota pheasant hunting client.

New Custom Logos Designed by 3plains
November 29, 2011 by Ryan Trask
We haven't had a blog update in a while showcasing our newest custom designed logos. Were always designing a few custom logos each month, so here's a sampling of our latest designs...

Custom Charter Fishing Logo Design
March 22, 2011 by Ryan Trask
Just like my computer is an extension of my creative arm, and my single most used tool here at 3plains, John's fishing boat is at the center of Between the Lines.

Custom Waterfowl Graphic
October 11, 2010 by Ryan Trask
When I came across the photo of Reno, Greg's lab, I just knew I had to use it. What a great image of Reno retrieving that beautiful drake!

New Brand Identity: Canada Waterfowl Outfitter
September 27, 2010 by Ryan Trask
Recently launched for Prairies Edge Outfitting, a web design package with custom logo design & print design additions.

4 New Cool Hunting and Fishing Logos
September 23, 2010 by Ryan Trask
View a few of our latest custom logo creations. Stay tuned at our blog, we have several more logos we are currently working on.

Logo Design Prices
July 26, 2010 by Ryan Trask
I wanted to take a few minutes and attempt to shed some light on the confusion surrounding logo design, what the costs are, and why the prices you've been searching for online vary so greatly. That is if you can even find prices posted at all.

Website Address on Vehicles
October 15, 2009 by Ryan Trask
Living in the Twin Cities involves driving a lot of driving with the poor transportation system. A person usually spends between an average of 20-50 minutes in their vehicle typically. Since I can get quite bored, obviously I end up looking at vehicle decals, advertisements or business signage on the roads. It never ceases to amaze me how many vehicles have logo'ed trucks, banners, stickers, and so forth with a phone number, but zero indication of a web address.