3plains 10 Years in Business

It's been 10 years since I first started 3plains. I wanted to highlight our first customer who has redone their website with us for the 3rd time now. Thank you to the Springer Family (Marshall, Colleen and Dillon Springer) for their business and friendship over the years.
3plains Gets Started
I was living in Sioux Falls, South Dakota back in 2002 where I was working for The Argus Leader; The largest newspaper in South Dakota. The Argus Leader decided to let me visit a few trade shows with our salesmen. The 1st Annual Pheasants Forever trade show in Minneapolis Minnesota was my first show.
I was quite thrilled that I got to hang out with our two of sales guys and pretty much drink beer from what I was hearing. Ok, maybe not all play but there was work to be done.
Myself with Dan Ridgeway & Clint DeBoer
Meeting The Springer's
I first met Marshall and Colleen Springer of Buffalo Butte Ranch through Clint DeBoer. Clint was our salesman for PheasantCountry.com back in 2002. A little background, the Argus Leader concepted a product called PheasantCountry.com which I developed myself from the ground up. It took me a month to build the website.
3plains Gets Started
At one point during the trade show, Clint comes back and says Buffalo Butte Ranch is going to advertise on PheasantCountry.com. Good news. The other good news is they needed a website. Ok great, I'll build you a site but I don't have a business I thought. I sent them a fair quote after the trade show, they accept and I build the website about a website in one night. It was my first website, so I needed to get my work out there so I gave them a heck of a deal. It was a win-win for both parties, as we both were just starting our businesses.
Our Relationship 10 years later
Over the last 10 years I have seen the Springer's business grow from virtually no clientele year 1 to being close to booked up in 2012. Relate that to 3plains businesss. I went from one website in 2002, to several hundred in 2012. It was great timing for each of our businesses. We joke about our first meeting how green we in business when we first met.
New BuffaloButte.com Website 2012
This is the 3rd time we have redone the Buffalo Butte Ranch website. Several customers of Buffalo Butte Ranch comment on the old websites being spectacular which was nice to hear. However, just because a customer says that doesn't mean your website is up to par. I knew I needed to convince the Springer's it's time. The last time we redid their website was 2007. We were close to 5 years old on the 2nd web design revision, so I felt like it was time.
Our 3plains designer went to work. Here's what he came up with:
The new front page
The new About Us page featuring the family and brand new additional pages of reading
Prairie Dog Hunting Page breaking out the hunt in detail with photos
Brand new Shooting Range page
Backcountry Outfitters
In 2006, Dillon Springer son of Marshall & Colleen of Buffalo Butte Ranch starts Backcountry Outfitters to focus on small and exclusive groups builds a website with us. So along with the Buffalo Butte Ranch website, we build theirs. We built both with the same layout by design but different messages and color schemes.
Backcountry Outfitters front page
Backcountry Outfitters lodging page
Backcountry Outfitters fishing page
Posted in: Web Design, Branding