Promo Video Shoot
We have been working on overdrive this fall. Not only do we have to keep our customer service at a premium but we have to make sure to spend some time in the field as well. Last week we had the opportunity to get out in the field at the Buffalo Butte Ranch for 3 days and do some hunting ourselves.
The trip wasn't all just hunting for a few of us, we were working on producing a new promo video at Buffalo Butte Ranch to showcase the lodge, pheasant hunt and the owners. This is the 2nd promo video for Buffalo Butte Ranch.
For the promo video, we needed a few "extras", so we brought a few Buffalo Butte Ranch pheasant hunting first timers this trip... Barry Schindle, Dennis Richardsen and Mike Kruse. Barry, Dennis and Mike were our designated blockers because needed a few good shooters for the promotional video.
Here are some of the photos from the trip:
Brandon on the GoPro
Seth and Ben Film while Ryan walks for the promo video
Ben, Marshall, Dillon and Seth doing interviews Sunday morning
Seth & Ben filming at the shooting range
Ben on the slider showcasing the food
Mike, Nick & Ryan Trask (3plains) with the GoPro
Barry Schindle and Dennis Richardsen
Barry Schindle and Marshall Springer (Buffalo Butte Ranch)
Ryan Trask (3plains) with the GoPro blocking
Pheasants boiling out by the hundreds
Barry Schindle, Dennis Richardsen and Mike Kruse's birds
Seth on the camera
Video team complete after 2 days of shooting. Ben, Barry, Dillon (Buffalo Butte Ranch) and Seth
Good game of Liars Dice
At the local bar (Northstar) for a drink
Posted in: Trips & Events, Video