Ryan Trask
I can't find my website in a Google search. What's the problem?
May 03, 2017 by Ryan Trask
This is by far the most common question and/or statement we get both from current customers and potential customers. Clients as me all the time why isn't my website showing up in Google on the first page anymore? It's at this point I have to ask a series of questions and even ask what exact terms they are even searching or that they feel they need to rank for.
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Search Stats: Nearly 60% of searches now from mobile devices
March 30, 2017 by Ryan Trask
According to official Google statements, more than 50 percent of search queries globally now come from mobile devices and could possibly be up to 60 percent. This begs the question, if your website isn't mobile, why haven't you converted it to mobile / reponsive yet?
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Google Algorithm Update Fred [March 8th Unconfirmed Update]
March 20, 2017 by Ryan Trask
Each year, Google changes its search algorithm around 500–600 times. While most of these changes are minor, Google occasionally rolls out a major algorithmic update that affects search results in significant ways. This last major Google update dubbed Fred appears to be one of those major Google algorithmic updates.
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Google Penguin Update 4.0
October 02, 2016 by Ryan Trask
Has your SEMRush, SEOMoz, Google Analytics Account, or other Tracking Software been bouncing around here in the last several weeks? Well, there is possibly a reason for that - Google Penguin 4.0.
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The Pharma Hack & SEO Implications
September 29, 2016 by Ryan Trask
We usually have multiple projects going at once and I'm one of the multiple 3plains employees who are working on any given project at one time. Typically I'm involved with the setup, the launch and the search engine marketing side of projects. For this project, my employee had noted in the initial project ticket that when this new client had signed on, that his rankings were not what they used to be - in fact "terrible" was the word used multiple times.
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