Ryan Trask

Do You Forget Your Password Often?
October 10, 2011 by Ryan Trask
Think about all the different online accounts you have. How do you manage all the usernames and passwords for these accounts? Do you have the sheet of paper, a excel file saved on your computer with all your passwords on it or do you just remember them all? If you said yes to any of the last three questions, the product called LastPass might be worth a look.
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9th Annual South Dakota Firefighters/PVA Fishing Trip
June 25, 2011 by Ryan Trask
In our 2nd year sponsoring a NCPVA boat, two of us were able to make it out fishing this year. This is a walleye fishing tournament in Chamberlain South Dakota put on by the Sioux Falls Firefighters and the Paralyzed Veterans of America, South Central Chapter. We limited out in around 4 hours both days.
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Custom Charter Fishing Logo Design
March 22, 2011 by Ryan Trask
Just like my computer is an extension of my creative arm, and my single most used tool here at 3plains, John's fishing boat is at the center of Between the Lines.
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2011 Friends & Family Pheasant Fun Hunt
February 08, 2011 by Ryan Trask
I haven't had the opportunity to write about being out in the field since my last blog post about fall South Dakota antelope hunting, so here's my hunting update for Q1. For the third consecutive year, I was cordially invited by owners Marshall and Colleen Springer to the Buffalo Butte Ranch Friends and Family Fun Hunt. The Buffalo Butte Ranch is located in Gregory, South Dakota which is noted for it's fantastic wild pheasant populations.
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Custom Waterfowl Graphic
October 11, 2010 by Ryan Trask
When I came across the photo of Reno, Greg's lab, I just knew I had to use it. What a great image of Reno retrieving that beautiful drake!
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