Ryan Trask

Outfitter Marketing Videos
June 17, 2022 by Ryan Trask
3plains has partnered with Rustic River Media to bring you only the best in outfitter marketing videos production. Rustic River Media's brings passion, detail and commitment to investment. Rustic River Media is a Texas based video production company that specializes in producing television commercials, web videos, documentary films and more.
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Ben Holbrook on Ep. 61 of the Filming with Josh Podcast
May 25, 2022 by Ryan Trask
Ep. 61 - Video, Photography, & the Web with Ben Holbrook - On this episode of The Filming with Josh Podcast, host Joshua Milligan welcomes Ben Holbrook of 3plains Outdoor Marketing. As a Google Ads certified PPC expert, Ben has a background as a hunting consultant as well as in outdoor marketing, website design, and search engine optimization. Today, Ben works with 3plains as a marketing partner who works primarily with hunting outfits and fishing guides to help them design & manage websites as well as run Google ad campaigns along with numerous other marketing tactics.
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Recent Land Real Estate Website Launches
March 24, 2022 by Ryan Trask
As a website company building residential real estate websites and working in the hunting, outdoors and fishing space, we are able to understand and help market your name, brand, brokerage company or numerous websites you may have.
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I Have A Buddy Who Does Websites
August 06, 2020 by Ryan Trask
This entry begins with sharing the pain felt by so many small business owners who decide to assume the risk that comes with entrusting a friend, peer, client, colleague, or "friend of a friend's kid who went to college for web design" to manage the overall digital strategy for marketing their business on the internet.
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Domain Registry and Domain Listing Scams
May 01, 2020 by Ryan Trask
I have written in the past on postal mail domain name scams and postal mail website backup scams. We get clients asking us if these scam letters are legitimate at least a handful of times a month. My answer is usually the same to customers. What is the name of the company that sent the letter?
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