
Website Photography - Taking The Best Photos
November 16, 2020 by 3plains
Building and launching a new website requires a lot of different things, and for the hunting, fishing, and outdoors industry, photography is arguably the most important requirement. All too often we have clients approach us for a new website without any good photography. We have some tips for all you guides and outfitters out there to help you take the types of photos that will really enhance your website, and will truly show off what you have to offer.
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What does Mobile-Friendly really mean?
November 10, 2017 by 3plains
Is your website mobile-friendly? Just because you can pull it up on your phone doesn't mean it is. Here's what you need to know.
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The Ever-Changing World of Website Design
December 22, 2016 by 3plains
Designing for the web is a rollercoaster ride of fads and technology. Every time someone comes up with some new trick with HTML5, or CSS3, or even a javascript library everyone wants to jump on the bandwagon to “keep up with everyone else”. Here’s the problem with that. The latest fads don’t work for everyone. New languages and new technology aren’t always better. The old adage “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it” rings truer than ever these days.
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Content Editing 101
November 10, 2016 by 3plains
How can I properly paste text into the textarea when I edit my web page?
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Responsive Design and the “Mobile First” Philosophy
September 14, 2016 by 3plains
Responsive Design. A term that’s been thrown around so much in the last 5 years we hardly know what it truly means anymore. What is Responsive Design? What is Responsive Development? I break it all down in this article and why we created a hybrid of Responsive Design and Adaptive Design for our new website.
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