2013 Success Tips from 3plains

Make your outfitting business a success in 2013 with tips from the 3plains team. Read what the 3plains professionals have to say...
Update Your Website Design
With 2012 being a time of re-building for many, we look to 2013 to be the year of stepping ahead and gaining some steam for the future. Over the years, websites and online marketing has continually gained importance. With this increased importance, it is key that your online presence is at a level that will both hold prospective clients' attention, and elicit action - turning prospective clients, into clients.
There are many website design styles and techniques out there, but the key to having a successful 2013 will be keeping it simple. While all the glitz and glamour may work on the 18 and under crowd, having a clean and simple website is ideal for those whose clientele are not still bedazzling their jeans.
Clientele who are in their 30s and above want websites that are easy to navigate. Easy to navigate means that a prospective client will find what they are looking for quickly. In today's busy society, every minute is precious. The average person only spends 30 to 60 seconds deciding if they want to continue investigating a website. A easy-to-navigate site means that the client will know what they are looking for almost immediately, which increases your chances of selling them your product.
The knowledgable staff at 3plains can help you streamline your website, marketing your product in the best way possible.
SEO and your (real) Bottom Line
Google has hundreds of algorithm updates a year, and even the most experienced SEOs in the industry can only muster a guess about the black box Google operates in. In times where SEO results are more difficult to obtain than ever, it is important to make the most of each incoming visitor and potential customer. As the saying goes in SEO, “Content is King”. Do not spend tons on SEO just to have people land on a crummy landing page that has a high bounce rate. Getting traffic is only half the game.
SEO Value = Traffic X Conversion
SEO is a wholesome tactic; a strategy that should be executed in conjunction with other marketing techniques like great content, customer reviews, photos, public relations, social marketing, and more. Getting more traffic to a website is one thing, but the difference between converting 1% of your online customers to 2% of your online customers is doubling your online business! A little work in conversions can go a long way. Conversion optimization is the definition of good online marketing. The end goal of SEO is leads, not just traffic. Whenever you consider your next SEO project, remember to consider how the traffic will convert into a lead.
3plains Design Team
2013 Tip: New Website Design & New Logo Designs
In 2012, we focused a lot on design as an overall website user experience instead of just a visual one. That meant spending some time refining our processes, updating our website code base, and streamlining how and what we build.
We believe this will help us build better products faster for our 3plains customers. We are still committed to the best looking web designs in out the outdoor industry, but we've really spent some time under the hood too, to bring you faster websites with cleaner, more optimized code.
We also officially launched stock logos this past year, and we plan to expand that library throughout 2013 to offer even more fabulous branding solutions at more affordable prices. We're really excited about these new offerings in the design shop, and the ability to welcome even more of you into the 3plains family.
Choose a professional company
Design shops are becoming more and more abundant these days. With the economy tightening up, some people are finding other sources of additional income; hence starting freelance or part-time design companies. I have found, some of our new customers are considering this route vs. a professional company. Why should you choose a professional design shop like 3plains?
1. Experience & Knowledge
Don't trust your #1 marking vehicle (your website) to a family member, a neighbor, someone who just took a web class, a part time website developer or a rookie web development shop who may just disappear tomorrow.
I've taken several new clients websites over from their old developer in the past couple of years. Most of these new customers called me frantically, not knowing what to do because their current web company folded some way or somehow. From websites getting hacked, to malware, to losing emails, to domains expiring, to web developers dying, to servers crashing, and even to web developers losing client data.
Quite frankly, it gets old knowing that there are website design companies out there touting how great their web services are, their cheap costs and what they think they know. I have even heard of some freelance website developers doing SEO for customers, when it's clear they don't even know anything about SEO; basically it's the equivalent of spelling their name wrong on a test.
The most memorable story and website I have taken over was a client who's freelance web developer was growing pot in his garage and was thrown in jail. The client didn't have any of their login information, had no idea what to do and couldn't get in touch with the old web developer since he was in jail. They were in trouble and very concerned. Following a frantic Sunday night call from the client, I re-created the website. I took care of it all, and had the website relaunched on our 3plains servers in 24 hour while watching the Vikings-Packers game.
Don't ever underestimate an experienced website company. A experienced company can save you thousands of dollars in time, effort and stress.
2. Value
People compare the costs of our products to other website design shops on the internet. With our websites starting as low as $995 and $24.92/month, I don't know how other design shops can compete with us. We are one of the most knowledgable design and web development shops in the hunting and fishing industry. We grow with your company. We even have logos starting at $199 to establish your brand. We have upgrade packages available so you can keep investing in your business and we understand that a lot of our clients' outdoor businesses aren't starting out with huge budgets. The bottom line; you get what you pay for.
3. Reputation & History
3plains has been in business since 2002, our results and portfolio are all available at our website and we are not quitting any time this decade.
Posted in: Web Design, SEO / SEM, Branding, Marketing, Hosting & CMS