3plains 2015 South Dakota Deer Hunting Trip

I drew South Dakota Any Deer tags in Gregory County, so I decided to get out of the office for a few days. In the area I was hunting, it's predominantly whitetails but there are a few buttes in the area, so there are a small percent of mule deer around where we were hunting.
I shot my whitetail on Sunday morning. Steve was hunting over with the neighbor and showed up with quite the whitetail. We were surprised with what he had when he showed up!
Steve with his Tripp County, South Dakota Deer shot Saturday evening
Absolute rediculous size to this whitetail deer. We did a measurement at 197 and are waiting for a official measurement for this beast.
My 6x7 whitetail deer from Sunday morning. I hit this guy at the neighbors place on the run at 250 yards.
Posted in: Trips & Events